Changing Font size

Jun 27, 2017

Hi could you help please?

I would like to change the font size of some of the text in blocks. Is this possible? I highlight and right click and an option is "show fonts" but when I click this nothing happens. Could it be because I'm using a Mac?


67 Replies
Tonya Krueger-Morel

I am having a problem with the custom font I am using.   I have installed the font that needs to be used for my company. Proba. When designing the course everything is in Proba. When I go to preview, review or publish the file everything stays Proba, but the description resorts back to Times Roman. I have even built the course two separate times and that didn't work. Anyone have any suggestions about this?

Renz Sevilla

Hi Tonya!

Times New Roman isn't a default font in Rise, so this may be a font that is being set by your browser as the default web font. I would suggest updating your browser or switching to a different browser to see if that makes a difference.

We'd also be happy to take a closer look if you don't mind sharing the course with us here. We'll delete it as soon as we're done testing it.