Changing Margins

Oct 22, 2018

Is there a way to change the margins in Rise.  Also, I'm working with an image/text - the imagine is the right size; however, the margins for the text is way too small.

Also is there a way to change the spacing; i.e., there's way too much space between paragraphs, bullet points, etc.

31 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sandy,

It sounds like you're hoping to change the margins within the text itself, not the overall margins for the Rise lesson? I know both ideas have been shared with our team as a feature request, so I want to link your discussion to those requests and we'll keep you posted here if they're added to Rise.

Sandy Murray

Good morning. I’ve created a labeled graphic of a telephone with 12 markers. Each marker has text and a picture attached to it. I’m only having trouble with one marker. When I’m trying to type the text or numbering items, everything disappears as tho it’s not there (the typing area is white). However, when I preview it, the text and picture are there. I deleted the marker and recreated it and the same thing happened.

What am I doing wrong? Please help. ☹

Sandy Murray
Trainer/Educator III
Office of Performance Management
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Division of Public Health
Edgehill Shopping Center
43 S. DuPont Highway, Dover, DE 19901
Office: 302-744-5468
FAX: 302-744-5475
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[cid:image001.png@01D3176D.F2E5FFF0] [cid:image002.png@01D3176D.F2E5FFF0] <

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Sandy,

Thanks for bringing this up! Are you seeing this problem in Chrome?

If so, we've seen the same problem, particularly when there is enough text in the marker to create a scroll bar and when using Chrome.

Until we get a fix in place, other Rise users found you can work around this issue by zooming out a bit in the Chrome browser. Let me know if that helps you!

One more thing: you can edit out your contact information from your post if you'd like!  Replying via email will include your signature.

Amanda Goulding

Hi Ashley

Can you please advise if this is something that will be looked at further?  Currently the text within a Rise course is around 50% of the available area; however a picture will use all available space.  It would be great if all the area is able to be utilised so that students do not have to scroll as much.  I have attached a screen shot. Thanks.

Barry Stoner

Hello all,

I must say that while I love Rise, I really dislike the different left-hand margins of the blocks. The inconsistency is awful. If you use a Statement D block, the margin is a lot smaller than a Text or 2 Column text block. 

I've found that I can use a Statement D block like a paragraph block and reduce it's font size if I'm going to use a Text and image block below it, as the margins will match. But I always try and use blocks that have similar margins together, so that it doesn't jump around too much. 

Wouldn't it make more sense to have a consistent margin and block width for all blocks? The Statement D block and Image Centered blocks are wider than the Paragraph text and 2 column text blocks.

What I'd really like is to be able to set the overall content width in Rise, and have consistent margins for all. 

Thanks :)


Margaret Richards

+1 to making L-R margins consistent across blocks at minimum and making them adjustable ideally.

The issue depicted in the attached seems more like an error than an inconsistency. When viewed in editing or preview mode on my laptop, the margins in image + text blocks are inconsistent when switching from having the image on the L or the R. When previewed on the horizontal tablet version, they are aligned. This happens in both of the courses I've checked.

Andrew Getz (UHS)

Definitely +1 for adjustable margins!

Does anyone know if this has been changed yet?

Has anyone discovered a "work around"?

The text auto wraps (and the pictures shrink) when the window shrinks below the currently set standard width, so can't that be done for full-screen?

As mentioned by others, when using the window at full screen, more than 50% of the block is empty margin space ... leaving only a little over 1/3 of the screen in the middle of the block for text or spreadsheets, etc.