Click on image won't zoom anymore

Apr 23, 2024

All of a sudden I notice that images don't zoom/enlarge when clicked anymore in Articulate Rise. I don't know when this stopped working, I only just noticed it. I have the box "Enable zoom on image click" checked in the Image Format properties and all of the images are much larger in their original form so that is not the problem. I am on a Mac.

8 Replies
Luciana Piazza

Hi Kompetenslaget, 

Thanks for reaching out about your images no longer zooming in Rise 360! I was unable to replicate this behavior on my end.

  • If I understand your screenshot correctly, you are using a Three column grid block. Is that right? 
  • Are you experiencing this behavior in other blocks as well? If so, please share! 
  • What image file type are you using in your course? Here is information on best practices for images in Rise 360 for your reference. 

We'd be happy to look at a link of your course in this thread or privately in a support case

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Steven Benassi

Hi Kompetenslaget!

Glad to see Luciana has been helping you!

Sorry to hear you've run into this setback. To clarify, are you experiencing this behavior across all supported browsers, or is it local to one? Also, it would be helpful to see a link to the course that's giving you trouble. Do you mind sharing that here in the discussion or privately through a support case?

We'll delete it from our system as soon as troubleshooting is complete!

Steven Benassi

Hi Jenna!

Sorry to hear you've also run into this issue!

I see that you've already opened a support case being handled by my teammate, John Carlo. It looks like John Carlo replied to your e-mail sharing insight into this behavior. We can continue the conversation through your case to keep all information in one spot.