Co-Owners for Rise Courses

Jul 23, 2018

Hi all,

Is it possible to assign a co-owner to a course?

I'm interested in setting up Rise so that multiple team members can currently have permission to edit and export a course.





115 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Great question, Hibcoll! When you create a course, you are given the Owner role. You can invite someone to be an Admin collaborator on the course. Admins can do everything the course Owner can do, except transfer ownership and delete the course.

Follow these steps to add an Admin to your course:

  1. First, invite that person to be a collaborator on the course. Here's how. 
  2. Once that person is assigned as a collaborator, you can change their role to "Admin" by following these steps. 

Let me know if that's what you had in mind!

Jefrey Betz

Hi, Tabitha - this doesn't appear to flow through to Review 360.  From what we can tell, only the course owner can publish a new version of a course for review - anyone else can only publish it as a new item for review, which means it loses connection to all of the feedback/comments up to that point.  For a truly effective workflow, we need multiple Rise users to be able to share all owner privileges.  (editing labels, transferring and deleting are also inefficient if only one person can do all of them, but the review issue is our biggest issue, and somewhat embarassing to have to explain to our reviewers)  If I'm missing anything, please let me know; much appreciated