Content overlaying in mobile devices with blocks

May 14, 2024


I've created a Rise course and embedded a Storyline block with the Modern player and the controls off.
In Rise, when learners complete the block I made the Continue button appear. The problem is that in mobile devices, the new content overlays with the block, and it is almost impossible to close the block, as the close 'X' button is difficult to click.

Storyline version is updated.

Any solution with this?


3 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi Proveedor 1!

It sounds like you're having trouble viewing a Storyline Block on mobile devices!

I see that you've also opened a support case that's being handled by my teammate, Janina. It looks like Janina replied to your e-mail requesting a share link to your course. You're in great hands troubleshooting with her and we can continue the conversation through your case.


Hi, having similar issues with storyline blocks in Rise on mobile. Once a storyline block has been selected you can still scroll content over the top of the storyline block and you can select continue. Then the storyline block remains open in the background. It seems like the storyline activated window area is at the back layer of all the content which causes issues. This seems to be a new issue which didn't happen before the Rise UI update. Please fix!

Steven Benassi

Hi HP Life!

Sorry to hear you've run into this setback!

Testing the behavior on my end, I was able to replicate the same issue. We are currently tracking this bug in Rise 360, and I've included your voice in the report. We'll be sure to update you as soon as a fix is in place.

Thank you for your patience. Sorry if this has been slowing you down!