Course Title and Cover Photo

Jun 01, 2017


I do not want to upload a Course Title as I want to represent it in the background image however when I do not have a titled it comes up as 'untitled course'. Is there a fix here? 

Also, in the cover photo I would like to view the whole image however it seems restricted by the amount of text you have as the course title. Is there a fix here? 

Many thanks


6 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Traci!

Rise displays images in different sizes and ratios depending on the device you're using, especially in full-width images like the header image.  There's no ratio or size rule to follow since the image will be cropped differently depending on the device that's used, so it's a good idea to use images where important details won't be lost if the edges are cropped. That's the beauty of fully-responsive content--it reflows and resizes to fit the device/screen you're using!

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