Cyrillic in answer option

Dec 21, 2020

We made a test in Rise. There was a problem when the answer option contains Cyrillic, then the send answer button does not work on the server. Although the preview is fine. Please help me how to use Cyrillic in tests?

We published it in SCORM (1.2 or 2004 all editions).

5 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for reaching out, Ann! I would recommend comparing how the quiz question behaves when the course is hosted in SCORM Cloud to what you're seeing in your own LMS. If the question works correctly in SCORM Cloud, it's likely there's an issue with the LMS environment. If not, please let us know by clicking here!

Crystal Horn

Thanks for that additional detail, Ann! I've opened a case and shared this information with my team. You should get a confirmation email which includes an upload link. Could you please share your Rise 360 course output with us privately using that link? We'll troubleshoot and delete your files once we're done.
