Disabling zoom on image click in Timeline: Rise 360

May 04, 2022

Can we disable zoom-on-image in the Timeline block yet in Rise? The answers I see are from several years ago, and seems very strange that this feature cannot be turned off now.


58 Replies
Michael Larbalestier

Is it possible to allow the zoom function to be disabled on the timeline image - it is really irritating that you can do so in other activities but not this one.  What is the rationale for leaving the activity like this?   The only way I can see to get around this is to delete the image from the timeline, and instead add a separate image above or below the timeline.  Although if you have a sequence of images in one timeline, this means breaking the timeline into multiple timelines so you can intersperse with images.

Steven Benassi

Hi Ainsley & Chloe!

Thanks for checking in on this!

I don't have any updates to share at this time as our development team has been prioritizing other features. However, I've included you both in the feature report so you can be notified if this feature makes it to our feature roadmap.

In the meantime, here's a closer look at how we manage feature requests.

Phil Foss

I've found two ways to do this. One requires adding a line of css to your exported course, but that can be cumbersome and a bit technical. There's got to be a better way. Now there is, introducing the Sneaky Span method:

This is the sample html used in the video:

<span style="z-index:999;display:block;background:transparent;border:0px solid red;position:absolute;width:100%;height:450px;color:#fff;">&nbsp;</span>