Embedding web content

Jan 10, 2017

Hi - is it possible to only embed video? When I try to embed other web content, it opens in new window/tab not in the Rise content like I'd like.


Here's an example of what I'd like to embed: 

<iframe id="eia_widget" style="width:100%;height:500px" src="//www.eia.gov/opendata/embed/iframe.php?series_id=ELEC.SALES.US-ALL.M;ELEC.SALES.US-RES.M;ELEC.SALES.US-COM.M;ELEC.SALES.US-IND.M&analysis=none" load="iframe_load"></iframe>


59 Replies
Justin Grenier

Hey Steve!

We use Embedly to embed rich media in Rise courses, which means you can use videos, images, documents and other media from over 400 content providers, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and Scribd. See the complete list of supported content providers here.

For other content providers, you can link to the resource externally.  Good luck with your project!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Rob and Laura,

Do you have the embed code that you could share with us? If you're not able to share here in the ELH forums you can share it privately with our Support Engineers here. That'll help us spot if there is anything else happening such as an issue in the embed code you're using or an issue with the fix we rolled out. 

Meddie Sims

Hi Ashley, 

I was following the instructions from the page on How to Embed Articulate Presenter Content into a Web Page and in step 4 just swapping out the link with my own (link working fine).

I can't seem to hit enter and get anywhere with it. It asks me to enter a valid code.

Thank you,


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Laura,

Thanks for sharing that link - just to note, it is for Studio '13 but the steps would be similar for Studio 360 (we'll get the article updated to showcase the changes) everything would be the same except step 5 and checking the file for height/width attributes. 

With that in mind, are you able to share a copy of the link and/or the embed code that you're trying to use so that we could take a look at what you're seeing? Often with embed code it could be something as simple as an errant space! If you can't post in the forums, you can send me the link here. 

Alix Ladent

Hi all,

I've hosted a Stoyrline module on a webserver and I'm now trying to embed it in Rise. The iframe code is recognized as valid but then the actual content never shows up. Is this a known limitation or am I dooing something wrong ?

edit: nvm it works now. I think the issue was https in Rise vs http in the iframe content

Isabella Winkler

Hi all,

I have successful embedded a Storyline module in Rise, but my problem is, it is shawn with scrollbars, even if I define the frame size accordingly large.

<iframe width="800" height="600" src="https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/m/pluginfile.php/581035/mod_resource/content/1/story_html5.html" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Is it possible to implement a fullscreen or zoom function in the "frame-object" to enlarge it. Any ideas? Perhaps I made something wrong ;-) ????



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Isa - I took a look at your link and embedded it into a Rise course here.  It's displaying as I'd expect based on the attributes you had assigned to it, and since Storyline course is just embedded, it won't take on the responsive elements of Rise. Perhaps you'd want to look at creating a smaller Storyline slide size and width/height to limit the amount of scrolling within the view?  Having said that, some vertical scrolling is to be expected, especially on a mobile device.  Here's a Peek that my colleague Justin recorded to demonstrate that.  We think web browsers have done a good job of conditioning learners that when not everything you expect is on screen, you scroll to find more.


Isabella Winkler

Thanks Ashley :-) Yes, I know, some vertical scrolling is usual, but what I mean is, how to avoid scrolling inside of the embedding-frame. Which max. slide size would you recommend for projects in Storyline to make sure a suitable display without scrollbars when embedding in Rise? Is there any oppotunity to enlarge/ zoom the embedded Storyline content to fullscreen or new window?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Isabella,

You could set it to launch in a new window/tab if you included it as a hyperlink vs. embedding it into your Rise course. Since the Rise course is going to change based on the device you're using and the Storyline course has to be at a set size, there isn't a way to entirely prevent the scroll bars in the iframe (unless you designed for the smallest possible screen size/device - but that would likely not look great on your desktop displays). 

Hopefully that helps, and perhaps others in the community who have been able to set up something similar would be able to share what they did with you here! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Joe, 

We use Embedly to embed rich media in Rise courses, which means you can use videos, images, documents and other media from over 400 content providers, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and Scribd. See the complete list of supported content providers here.

You don't need to create your own embed or iframe code - just copy the URL for the media you want to use and paste it into Rise. It's that easy!

I took a look at saw iorad listed there - so I tried to use the URL from your message above, and I was prompted for a log in. Is that a publicly accessible link?  

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