Finding an embedded URL in the SCORM output files

Apr 24, 2023

Hi everybody,

Situation: We embed our videos into Rise lessons using iframe. Videos are hosted on a 3rd party platform.

Problem: We would like to change the embedded URLs without having to edit the Rise projects and re-export them.

Question: Are the URLs referenced in any of the SCORM output files? In this way, we could change the URLs directly from the existing output files.

Thank you.

4 Replies
Angelo Cruz

Hello there! I understand you wanted to edit the embedded URLs of your video using the Scorm output file.

Articulate software and its published output are supported as they are. We don't recommend or offer advice on customizing or modifying the published output. If you wish to make changes to your course, you may do so in Rise.

Is there any reason why you want to make the changes from the output file instead of the course itself in Rise?

  • Author

Hi Angelo. Thank you for the reply.
Yes, we have hundreds of Rise projects where we would need to update video URLs and we want to avoid editing the projects and re-exporting them.
It would be much easier to change the URL from the output files, if these are referenced in any of the files.
So, can you let me know if an embedded URL is referenced in any of the output files?

Lynn Puhr

I'm having a similar issue with Articulate Storyline scorm packages (hundreds of them) where we are changing the host string to SharePoint resources.  I'm seeing that you do not recommend doing any script update in the output files. Is that accurate? The only way to fix our issue is to go into each of the source files and update there? Please confirm.