Horrible quality when uploading images

Nov 05, 2018

I don't understand why the quality of images I upload is so bad in Rise. They look fine in browser, but when I upload (and Rise compresses/crunches them) they get fuzzy, pixly and unprofessional. 

I upload i png, have also tried jpg - with much worse results. Any ideas? Attached an image showing what I see in Rise v. local browser. 

116 Replies
Barry Stoner

Hi all, 

The _noprocess_ fix does improve the images a lot, but I still have an issue with Chrome displaying them not as clearly as it should when the image is zoomed to 100% using the 'Zoom on Click' option. I really need this as it's screenshots of a new system which has lots of detail. 

If I right-click the image and open it in a new browser window, the image is displayed how it should be. 

The images appear clearly using Microsoft Edge and Firefox. But typically, my client prefers Chrome. 

Any suggestions would be greatly received. 


Crystal Horn

Hi there, Barry. Could we get your permission to take a peek at an example image file for testing? If so, you can privately share it with us here. We'll delete everything when we're done troubleshooting. 

If not, let us know the image file type, dimensions, and size. It would also be handy to know what version of Chrome you're using. We'll see if we can reproduce this behavior!

Barry Stoner

Hi Crystal,

I would love you to be able to help here, as I've always prided myself on the how clear my screenshots are when it comes to creating software training.

So to see the text in images blurry, it is very frustrating, as I have lots of system screenshots and most (if not all) are blurry in Chrome.

I probably need to ask permission before I share a Review link with you, so I have attached some images for now.

The image called 'The-three-OEE-metrics

Crystal Horn

Hello, Sara. You should be able to add _NOPROCESS_ to the file name, at the beginning or end, right in your file explorer:

When you add that file anywhere images are supported, you'll see better quality. If that isn't working, would you please share your image file with us here? We keep everything private and delete your files when we're done troubleshooting!

Eveline M.

Hello Crystal,

I don't seem to be able to fix the fuzziness in my graphics (created in illustrator) either.
There is a small improvement when I export the PNG with 300dpi instead of 72dpi, but there is no additional improvement with the _NOPROCESS_ workaround.

I've sent the image file via the form. Could you please have a look?


Barry Stoner

Hi Eveline, I've found the _NOPROCESS_ works, but the quality can still look bad using Google Chrome if the images include text. I create lots of system-based training, so most images I use have a lot of small text in them, where clarity is required. 

In my tests I then right-clicked the image to open in a new tab and the image is crystal clear. So it has to be something to do with how Rise is zooming the image.

In the end I had to resort to really high resolution images which seem to reduce the blurry text in Chrome for zoomed images.

Thankfully, my client mainly uses IE11, and is not that bothered about the lack of pixel perfect clarity in Chrome. And I've learnt to live with it, as Articulate Support have said it is a bug.



Alyssa Gomez

Hello, Eveline,

I checked in on your case, and it looks like you're seeing this issue in Storyline 360, not Rise 360. 

However, the _NOPROCESS_ workaround is intended for Rise 360 images. Thanks for continuing to work with Georvy in your case, and hopefully we can help you improve the image quality in your Storyline 360 course!


Frazer Gregory

Hey Crystal

I have been going some grief trying to get my images which look sharp in Photoshop to remain that way once in Rise. Does the info you gave out here still stand?

So a file format might look like this: great_image_NOPROCESS_.jpg
Would that be the correct way to do it?

Many thanks