How do you track course version history?

Sep 27, 2023

All the searches I have done on version history, change record, edit history, etc show that people have been asking for this for years, but it is not on the radar for implementation.  Huge miss for Articulate who should know that users working for large companies need to keep a record of the versions of a course for audit purposes.  Maybe they'll create this at some point.

Until Articulate creates a function to record & access version histories, I need to figure out a way to do it myself that satisfies our Quality department.  So far I have found 2 options:

1) Duplicate published courses & save one copy with a title indicating it is version history 1 or 2 or with the version publication date.  However, over time we could end up with a ton of copies of courses cluttering up the All Content view.  Not the end of the world, but not ideal.

2) Publish a published course to PDF and save it to a company drive.  This would mean any embedded videos are inaccessible unless a link to the video is included in the text.  

Is there a way to save a usable version of a course that I am missing? If I publish to the web will that version be updated if edits are made to the course in Rise 360?  

9 Replies
Gren Foronda

Hi Jen!

Thanks for reaching out!

We're tracking requests for a Version History feature in Rise 360, and we'll keep this thread posted for any updates that can help!

For now, those two workarounds that you have mentioned should work great. The first sounds more feasible as you'll have working copies, which you can easily open and edit. The Team folders feature is in our roadmap, so you can easily organize your content (different versions of your course) once this is released.

As for your final question, there isn't a way to save/export a usable/editable version of a Rise 360 course. When you publish to Web, this creates a web package of your course, which you can upload to your Web server. You must republish your course (and re-upload to the web server) to update the exported Web course/package.

Let us know if you have additional questions or clarifications!

Shawn Connelly

Exactly, another huge gap in functionality. 

Every day I use Rise 360 is another day I wish my new company would eliminate it. 

I recently posted this list of other missing essential functionalities:

  • No persistent undo 
  • No find/replace
  • No randomization of quiz questions
  • No quiz question pool to randomize questions asked
  • Only the most basic gamification (worst selection of any authoring tool
  • Very limited image size and spacing controls
  • No offline backup of Rise360 files (yes, I can store non-editable SCORM), but my courses cannot be saved and restored if I move to another company... or if I am consulting and my employer wants a copy of the source.
  • No revision control (other than cumbersome course cloning)
  • and more... I have a growing list of inadequacies.

I am beginning to think that Rise 360 is 95% profit and they no longer pay developers to improve the product.

I'd love to be proven wrong... please show me a version change log for Rise 360.