Hyperlink to a section within a lesson in Rise

Apr 15, 2022

Hi there,

I was just wondering whether there is a way to hyperlink to a section of a course. I know there are the button option which allows you to move around to different lessons, however, I'm looking for a way to jump to a section within one lesson.


For example, when a user launches a lesson I will have a series of videos for them to watch, but at the top I would like to have a list of these videos and they could click a link to the relevant video without having to keep scrolling - is this possible?


Thanks in advance!


12 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Gareth, Sherri, and Janine,

Thanks for following up on this request and sharing that this would be useful for you. Though I cannot give an estimate on the feature's availability because of factors like complexity, breadth, and engineering's current workload, we'd be sure to update this discussion if anything changes that might help regarding linking to specific lesson blocks.

We're tracking votes for this feature, and we've added your voice to the report.

Wendy Buehlman

Desperately need that enhancement for the exact reasons the other requestors have stated. In my case, we are working with another application (AVA - Virtual Assistant) and would like to gather a URL to link to specific content contained within a Rise lesson. This is mostly for maintenance purposes. When something changes we can update it in Rise and not have to worry about updating it elsewhere.