Image size

Apr 26, 2019

My marketing department wants to provide some graphics to include in a course. I've had issues where an image is way too big so I can't use it because you only see a portion of it or too small. What size do I tell them the graphic needs to be?


9 Replies
Anthony Karcz

Hi, Rosemary! One of the cool things about Rise 360 is that its responsive nature lets you insert whatever image you need and adapts it to fit your lesson.

That said, we do recommend that you use an image that doesn't have important details on the edges, in case Rise 360 needs to crop them. You can read more about our image recommendations here

Hope that helps! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Rosemary Aylward

Thanks for  your response. Unfortunately that has not been my experience. I can understand if it needs to crop a little but I've used pictures and only a small portion of the image displays. In some cases it is displaying such a small portion that it has rendered image useless because the loss of content also causes a loss of relevance.

Mark Banit

I agree that the current setup for images can be a frustrating experience, with things appearing much larger than desired. I would like to see a settings feature, similar to the video block, where you are able to set the size (small/med/large). It would still be responsive, but you would be able to control the "maximum" size. I was quite surprised such a feature didn't already exist when I went looking for it. I submitted a feature request for this.

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