Lack of consistency when working with and reviewing fonts in Rise - Why?

Apr 11, 2024

Hello everyone
Firstly I acknowledge that this topic may well have been raised before but I could do with some up to date support on this issue please.
I am developing a project in Rise and have chosen Lato as my font of for both headings and body text. When I preview my work all is well. When I send it along to Review and I look at it, all is well. When I share the link with my SME the font is replaced with what looks like Times New Roman.
Thanks for any support on this one.

12 Replies
Tim St. Clair

i"ve noticed it too, for quite some time. Only noticed it happening when using Review, Chrome/Edge on Windows. When the course is published, the font is correct. It's noticable because when putting in review notes a screen grab shows the page using Times font, no matter what font is selected in the theme.

Frazer Gregory

I started off with Calibri as my font and went through the conversion process to turn it into a WOFF file, That showed up in my SME's Review as changed to TNR. I thought because it was a custom font that might be the reason so I opted for one included in Rise (Lato).
I'll start to lose confidence in Rise if I can't trust it to act accordingly.

Steven Benassi

Hi Tim!

Sorry to hear you've been affected by this issue!

Our development team is tracking a known bug that causes feedback screenshots to show a different font for Rise 360 courses. I've linked this discussion to the bug report and will provide updates as soon as a fix is in place.

Thank you for your patience. Sorry if this has been slowing you down!

Steven Benassi

Hi Frazer!

Sorry to hear you've run into this setback! I'd be happy to help!

To clarify, can your SME observe the same behavior across multiple supported browsers, or is it local to one? Also, it would be helpful to see a copy of the link that's giving you trouble. Would you be comfortable sharing that here in the discussion or privately through a support case?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Frazer Gregory

Hello Steven
I just wanted to let you know that I have been looking into things around the changing typeface issue.
I think the bug you mentioned around changing typefaces and the screengrab is what it is in this case.
I actually noticed it. I added some feedback myself and with it came the screengrab. At first the screengrab clearly showed Lato (my selected project font). I left it for a moment and then checked the feedback again and the screengrab was showing a serif font. My colleagues reported that their feedback/screengrab remained faithful to the font they had selected.
Here's another strange thing too. My screengrabs are all a horrible quality when enlarged.
Extremely blurry every one. Again my colleagues report theirs are nice and clear.
So it looks like the problem is mine.
In one way I am relieved as I think my SMEs can view the projects I build for them as intended.
Is there anything I can do at this point to try and 'reset' Rise to work as intended?
Thanks in advance