Learning Journal In Rise

Dec 05, 2018


Firstly, Articulate recently implemented a small update to Rise. As a result, all new exports from Rise will need to include the most recent version of LearningJournal.js which is found at the usual link.

Secondly, at any time Articulate could update their code and bring a breaking change to the Learning Journal. Over a year ago, I shared this functionality freely with the community and the code comes with no warranty or support either implied or expressed. If at any time you want or need to remove the Learning Journal from your modules, simple remove any STATEMENT-NOTE entries that refer to the Learning Journal.

* * * *


I built a cool Learning Journal feature for Rise that has been very well-received. I thought I'd share it in case anyone wanted to a. use it or b. improve on it.


The Learning Journal allows the learner to enter text responses to journal prompts throughout a Rise course. At the end of the course, the learner can print their learning journal of all their responses. The responses are saved to the browser so that they persist on future visits to the Rise course.


EDIT May 2019: At the request of a member of the forum, I created a HOW-TO video below that shows each step of the HOW-TO document in action.


Example Rise Course

HOW-TO Document

HOW-TO Video


Learningjournal.js file (right-click and save)


Learningjournal.css file (right-click and save)

Project github site

I would love any feedback and help to improve the functionality and code.

Mike Amelang

280 Replies
Nicola Fern

I just tested it with a freshly exported Web format course Michelle - it seems to be working fine here. 

Are you using a decent code editor like Sublime text? It really helps to spot errors.

Which aspects of the files had you changed, and what format are you publishing in? Did you remember to re-edit the HTML file to add in the extra files?

Is it working in any way, or just not appearing at all?

Nicola Fern

I don't know if this is likely to be any help or not but I have just finished this guide: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/4bcd8edd-a2c8-4d4e-9780-bef74c2fccf5/review - The course is still under development but the Rise section is done as a first draft. Feel free to have a look and see if it helps. There's a process block on the learning journal. Note that I have slightly modified the journal script to allow for the action plan button to be hidden.

Michelle Galeazzi

Thanks so much for sharing - I love it. Some very valuable information in there that's for sure. So after I read your response I stripped everything out and started with the base files again.... that worked fine; so I then added back in the formatting changes and that was fine too... go figure! I think that I may have broken it when I was trying to get the checkbox part working.... thanks so much for taking time out of your day to test it for me!

Nicola Fern

Hi Adam, I'll chip in here if that's OK - just don't take my words as gospel though as I didn't write it!

  1. Yes, the note labels need to be case sensitive - everything before the colons I think. I have also ensured any text I have to duplicate such as section names are the same in both the Section Intro and Journal Entry notes.
  2. I've done hard returns on all mine and they work fine so I'd go with that. I suspect it doesn't matter though.
  3. As long as it has saved it correctly as .js and not something like .js.txt or something it should work.  Have you got 'filename extensions' checked in your file explorer view menu so you can see all the extensions?   
  4. As above
  5. This shouldn't matter as the script doesn't touch the SCORM manifest or other configuration - however the files need to be in the correct folder, and this is different from a pure web export.  Check the location of the files, and that the path you are providing in the HTML modifications matches.

 Hope this helps!

Elissa Lappenga

Hi all, 

Quick question for Mike or anyone else who has used this awesome activity in Rise: when using the activity across multiple modules (or multiple courses) that the same learner might engage with, how do we prevent previous answers that have been stored from populating on the print-out page. Is the only option to instruct users to clear their browser data, or might it be something we could add to the javascript file to ignore entries that don't come from the same Rise course?

Thanks in advance!


Paul Moody

Mate, this is awesome, and has the blessing of Zeus himself! Thanks for the share! Very clever I must say, and I can basically grasp the logic behind it. The fields in the note blocks are styled by the css, and their behaviour is controlled by the javascript.

I have a question if you don't mind?

How can I include a save button instead of print?

Paul Moody

Thanks for that. I guess I really want to negate the print process and just limit it to save as, if you know what I mean. With a little rejigging of the code, you can turn it into formative and summative knowledge activities. Love it.


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Nicola Fern

I would say that the issue with that is that you need to be able to render a PDF (or some other file) and the print mechanism is the easiest way to do it.  People can always save the HTML but that's a bit messy from a user perspective I think. They are familiar with PDFs but much less so with HTML files on average, and there's the asset saving/broken image issue.

Paul Moody

Hi Nicola, I appreciate the feedback. I am currently learning how to assemble javascript, and am just feeling around for a simple solution. I am by any means not proficient in programming and am currently pulling apart the javascript and css file to see the relationships. Am nerdy that way, and I find it really helps!
Have something for you that most people don't seem aware of when it comes to embeds if you are interested. Share the wealth I say!
Here is a link, it is a sandpit I use to test out stuff. Let me know what you think!



Ps, where are you situated?


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Paul Moody

Thanks Nicola, from Australia myself, have been to England a couple of times myself, nice place I must say. People were great! Couldn't get over how populated it was, given that we have so much space here.Stayed in a pub that had a hotel behind it both times, because the locals were so fantastic and accommodating. Still, was nice to visit where (my convict family ;) came from. Lol!

You know what I love about today? I can communicate with people anywhere on the planet and get a near instant response. Is really excellent. Anyway, I hope you find some value with regards to the link, it just requires some thought on how you would use it.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to respond, gives me food for thought.

If you ever need a solution to a problem, feel free to email. If I can return the favour, I would relish it!

PS, how's the weather at the moment over there? Is Autumn here, moving into Winter slowly. Average temperature is around 19 degrees Celsius at the moment, and people are commenting on how cold it is......Lol! We usually have suntans that carry on into the first quarter of Winter!


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Michelle Galeazzi

HI Paul

Have been following your convo this evening while working late. Am based in QLD Australia here too. I have been working with Learning Journals in some modules I'm developing and have recently engaged someone wayyyyy more technical than me to do some backend programming with the checklists so that it retains the selection and then can collate and email to someone (asks for email address input).

Looking at some branching scenarios with hidden topics in the menu next.

I like the work that you have been doing on the link you posted.... Some interesting things there!



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Nicola Fern

Yes, we are pretty packed in in some places though it depends where you were staying! Certainly compared to Aus :) 

I particularly liked the use of animated gifs for the image hot spots...And I'm about to start experimenting with integrating H5P since we literally just got accounts for that.  I think the embed tool is a bit underused. Though annoyingly when I have it set to a decent size I seem to get excessive amounts of padding underneath the embed frame. Is that something you've seen?

Ha! It's lovely and sunny here but the temperatures are currently between 0 and 12 degrees or thereabouts. It's gorgeous out just now (nearly 10am) but 5 degrees. Not quite shirtsleeves weather yet. It's meant to be a whole 14 degrees at the weekend!