Paragraph numbered list

Dec 18, 2018

I would like to have a paragraph block with a numbered list, then an image block or video block, then another paragraph block which continues the numbered list. It does need to be paragraph specifically so that I can have bulleted sublists and also so I can copy content from our current materials in one go. Similar to below but I want the numbers to continue from before the image, basically this list should be numbered 1 - 6. Can anyone help?

  1. Example text
  2. Example text
  3. Example text

example image

  1. Example text
    • Example text
    • Example text
  2. Example text
  3. Example text

21 Replies
Kristen Bjork
David Tait

If you add another numbered list after the image you'll need to click the Edit button for that block, and then you can specify the numbers that the second list should use.

I can't find anywhere in the edit menu that allows me to change the numbers. Am I missing something?