Possible Thumbnail Frames for Embedded Videos in Rise

Jul 02, 2018


Is there a way to select a still frame (via png/jpeg) to use when users access a Rise lesson. When we embed videos on a lesson using Vimeo, we can go into Vimeo's settings and select any frame we desire which represents the video you're about to view, but if you are adding a video to a Rise project (without using a third-party video platform such as Vimeo or YouTube) all you see is the common black screen with the play triangle in the middle. It would be a great feature to have.

The reason we have to now resort to adding videos to our projects (thus into the project package) versus using Vimeo to link the videos externally is because the "allow forward seeking" and the "continue button bar" don't work as they are intended unless the video is added to the project by uploading. The only problem we have in using this method is possible bandwidth issues if several users access the same course and play the videos... which has happened before... glitches/buffering problems. If this was fixed so that we can embed videos using Vimeo into our Rise lessons while both the "continue button bar" and "allow forward seeking" are enabled... that would be awesome. 

Does anyone know if this is possible?

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Sadig,

I know a few folks have also asked about a poster frame option for videos, so I'll include your post as a part of that request. I do know that one user was adding an image manually to the beginning of the video files, to have the image he wanted, since it should be showing you the first frame of the video as seen here: 

It doesn't sound like you're seeing that on your videos though - could you share a copy of the video here with us, and I can test in Rise too? 

Amy Price

Hi just jumping in on this.

Our client has asked for the thumbnails to be updated in the courseware we have sent him. I didn't know about this until today and worked out how to do it in Storyline 360 but where do I even see the thumbnail for Rise courses? and how can I change it to just be a title slide for the client?



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