Rise and removing "take it again" option on Knowledge Check

Jul 01, 2019


I provide feedback on my Knowlege checks in Rise and don't need the "take it again" option.  Is there a way to remove this?

Thank you!


59 Replies
Aimee Swartz
Think Up Consulting

We found a way to make this go away by editing the CSS. A workaround for now.

.block-knowledge__retake-text {
display: none !important;

.block-knowledge__retake-icon {
display: none !important;

@Think up consulting

Where do you edit the CSS? In the rise files before uploading to LMS or in the LMS?


Yet another BASIC 'feature' that should have been included in the first version.

How QA can justify, "ya, everyone will want a Try Again button, no need to give them the flexibility to remove it."
is beyond me.
I have a pretty strong feeling, based on Articulate's history of omitting basic options/features and rarely addressing them, that the decision-makers have no experience actually developing learning.