Rise course with embeded LinkedIn Learning videos not loading

Feb 28, 2022

I've uploaded a Rise course into our LMS (an Oracle product), which contains embedded free LinkedIn Learning videos. The course works perfectly fine in Review and in Scorm Cloud, but loads a blank screen when launching from our LMS. When I launch the Rise course, a quick "loading" blurb comes up, but then remains blank. Does anyone have any recommendations or solutions for this issue?

See attached screenshot of blank screen.

Thank you!

1 Reply
Hazel Bartolome

HI Keaton! Sorry to hear that your Rise course isn't showing LinkedIn Learning Videos in your LMS. Testing in SCORM Cloud is a great first step.

Since your course works properly in SCORM Cloud but not in your LMS, kindly share your SCORM Cloud findings with your LMS provider to troubleshoot the issue.