RISE: Make a PDF available

Feb 10, 2017

We like our learners to be able to print a take-away at the end of each lesson and form their own learning binder.  I noticed it is not possible to embed a document or even make a document available. I tried a box document (see link below) and it works for a while but then after a couple hours, it changes to "NO PREVIEW AVAILABLE." 

Another thing I noticed is that even though it's a Box document, when you click it and open it up in a new window, it says it is located in Google Drive, which we don't even use. 

10 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Rebecca! The Attachments Block is currently targeted for Q1 of 2017. There is a great discussion here that you may want to check out in the meantime if you would like to set up something similar. I'm not seeing your link that you mention above, so hopefully that assists you. Just let us know if you need anything further.

Alysha Schuck

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for your prompt response! The Attachment block is great for downloading but my team is looking for the functionality of previewing the document and scrolling through it with the option of downloading that hosting externally provides. Is there anyway to have the Attachment block allow for a document previewing and scrolling or just to download the attachment? I was recommend Scribd for hosting by Support but not sure if we are going to make the additional investment as Box hosting appears to only work temporarily.

Thank you!


Alysha Schuck

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for your prompt response! The Attachment block is great for downloading but my team is looking for the functionality of previewing the document and scrolling through it with the option of downloading that hosting externally provides. Is there anyway to have the Attachment block allow for a document previewing and scrolling or just to download the attachment? I was recommend Scribd for hosting by Support but not sure if we are going to make the additional investment as Box hosting appears to only work temporarily.

Thank you!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Alysha,

The Attachment block is set up to allow users to download the content, but I can definitely pass along the idea of embedding them directly into a Rise course. 

In the meantime, one other method you could look at would be embedding those PDFs into a Storyline course, and using the Storyline block in Rise. This forum discussion has a few different options for how to do that, and then you can follow the steps here for adding in your Storyline block. Definitely, test this one out on a few different sized screens to see how your PDF will display too. 

Hope that gets you started - and feel free to let us know if you get stuck anywhere! Some of the strategies in the PDF embed may be a bit above my head, but the E-Learning Heroes community is full of rockstar users who are happy to help. 😀

LaVon Bowman

I am developing a course and use the pdf block. However, some people are having issues with the pdf. in some instances it is difficult to even see that it is open and in other instances it does not open fully in a browser window. Please see attachments. Not all users experience this problem. Is it a browser issue or app issue?

Have you heard of this before? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Allison LaMotte

Hi LaVon,

It sounds like the issue here may be coming from a pop-up blocker. I would have your learners check their browser settings and see if they have blocked pop-ups. If they have, they can unblock them on a site by site basis. Just do a quick internet search to find out how to do that for the browser they're using.

If that doesn't fix the problem, please get in touch with our Support Team so they can dig into this further. You can submit a case here.

In the meantime, if there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know!

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