Rise Quiz Checkbox Colours

Jul 04, 2018

I'm using Rise and have chosen red for the accent colour in the theme (as per client branding).

As a consequence of this the check boxes in my quiz (and in the feedback) are also red, however, the client would prefer green as red is often associated with an incorrect answer.

I know it isn't currently possible to specify a separate colour for these quiz elements but I think it would make a great addition to Rise.

53 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi, Anna. The theme color still controls the visual feedback for correct and incorrect responses on a quiz.

The only workaround I could offer would be to fully customize your quiz experience with a Storyline block. You can track your Rise course with the Storyline block to make sure quiz scores are shared with the LMS.

Anna Lachowska

Hi Crystal, thank you for a prompt response. 

I know of the workaround using the Storyline block. However this workaround is not feasible for my project. The reason I'm using Rise for this project is that it is fully mobile friendly. As we know the Storyline block is not going to be. As it is really hard to make the content work on enough devices and the font to still be readable. As the content elements are not responsive, only the navigation in Storyline is responsive. Is that still the case?  

Is there any chance that this issue would be added to the future request list? I already send the request. 



Phoebe Lu

Hello Crystal, 

So is there any progress regarding specifically customizing the quiz check box and feedback color in RISE?

Same problem here, I am using Rise and have chosen a kind of RED as the Theme color which matches my organization's logo theme, however, the quiz check box as well as the feedback even with the "correct" feedback, all showed RED color. My client mentioned that it already caused confusions among learners in some other RISE courses.  

If I use Storyline Block as the quiz section to only get the right color (e.g. Green for "correct" responses), it will definitely add much more re-do work. I believe RISE is for agile design process as well, so clients will benefit a lot if the "quiz theme customization" new feature can be added. 

Thank you very much in advance!


Dan Mullins


I was wondering if Articulate has considered separating the correct quiz response color from the theme color for Rise 360. It is inconvenient and makes for some ugly courses to use a non-brand blue or green color just for quiz appearance when the branding color is red. Decoupling the theme color from the quiz response colors would make for happier authors, stakeholders, and end users. 

Gina Auf der Maur

Please add my name as well - the corporate design for the customer I'm working for is also red. The manager in charge of education and development is not happy about the correct answers in red. A redo of the Quiz-Questions in Storyline takes a lot of work.

 Instead of linking the quiz-answer-design to the color scheme, I would prefer a standardized green/red for correct/incorrect questions plus as an additional feature (for the future) the possibility to change. Thanks!

Privitar Academy

Please add my name to the ever growing list as we too need to use a red highlight that makes even correct answers appear incorrect. As this request was made over three years ago, it's surprising that as of a few months ago, it still hadn't yet made the roadmap (the roadmap link is broken) seeing how many people had added their name to the request. Makes one question if the product team is actually listening to the needs of their customers. 

Privitar Academy

What are the criteria for Camtasia to implement one of these requests, instead of just tracking them? There are 15 people who have requested this. Do you need 20? 30? 50? I'm sure we could all find friends/colleagues who are experiencing the same bad user experience finally get this on the roadmap.