share working files

Apr 28, 2017

Hi there!

Is there a functionality that will allow users to share original working files amongst each other?

Example: If a Team Member (Example Joe) goes on vacation and we need to make changes to a file under his login, How would we go about accomplishing this?


Because this is a web based tool, all of the original working files will be online and not stored on the server. We will need a way to work together and have access to project files and not segmented into different accounts. I am not sure if the "Team" option gives us this functionality as it does not specifically say.

6 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Amal! 

We're hard at work on this exact feature!  

Soon you'll be able to send a copy of your Rise course to another user (so you'd each have separate copies) and we're working on a feature for 360 Teams accounts where you could collaborate on the same Rise course together. 

So lots of good stuff coming your way in Rise soon! You can always check the Rise Version history and Release notes to see what was released recently. 

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