Starting with Rise 360

May 31, 2021


We would like to use Rise 360. Though we don't want to leave our e-learnings in the cloud. So we will make SCORM packages and upload it into our LMS. 

 I have two questions:

- Is the Rise module still responsive when I export it to a scorm package?

- When I want to adjust my module can I upload my SCORM package into Rise 360?

Hope you guys can help me :)

Kind regards,

Esmee Mocking

4 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi Esmee,

Welcome to the Rise forums.

Yes, Rise will still be responsive after it has been exported as a SCORM package. However, the LMS that you use may impact some aspects of how a Rise course behaves.

No, you cannot upload an exported SCORM package back into Rise for editing purposes. You need to maintain your Articulate 360 account and keep your original course in order to do any future course content updates.

Karl Muller

Hi Esmee,

I very much doubt that the functionality to upload an exported SCORM package back into Rise for editing purposes will ever exist.

If your client does not want to use a cloud based app, then look at Storyline 360 or similar app where all your development files are stored on your local PC.

Storyline 360 requires a much steeper learning curve, and also takes longer to develop than Rise.