Storyline block autoplay in Rise

Sep 01, 2018

I'm having an issue with Rise. As others on the discussions have reported, when you embed a Storyline file in a block, the Storyline file automatially plays when the Rise lesson begins. This is problematic if the Storyline block is not the first block in the lesson. The simple solution shared in the discussions is to add a continue block to the lesson right before the Storyline block. The learner needs to click it to open the Storyline block, and then it autoplays. This works well, unless the learner reloads the page. In that case, the Storyline file will autoplay when the page loads, as if the continue block was in a visited state. Is there a way to deal with this aspect of the Storyline autoplay issue in Rise? Thank you for any ideas!

42 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hey, Stephen!

You're absolutely correct - web browsers like Chrome are blocking audio from playing automatically. That's why you'll see a play button covering any Storyline blocks that have media on the first slide. I'm glad you were able to adjust the autoplay setting in Safari!

Storyline blocks don't have a fullscreen option, but you can adjust the size to "full width" to give the block more real estate inside the lesson. I would also suggest using a widescreen aspect ratio for your slides, such as 16:9. 

You can even completely hide the Storyline player so the interaction will seamlessly blend into your Rise 360 lesson.

Jeanne Rupprecht

I have run into this same issue, but with different results in the same RISE course. One lesson has a View Me from storyline and it just starts playing and does not have the gray screen with the play button. The fist slide in the View Me is just a screenshot with caption, no audio. The other lesson in the same RISE course is a Try Me. It has a gray screen with a play button, which is what we want. In a second RISE course, I have a Try Me lesson and a View Mode lesson and both have the gray screen with the play button. I am using Chrome and none of these have audio. I can find no distinction as to why one Storyline insert does not work like the others I have done. And my co-worker is getting the gray screen with the play button every time. Seems like a bug to me. Can we investigate it as such?


Crystal Horn

Hello Jeanne. We'd love to help! If you can privately share your files with us by clicking here, we'll try to understand why these interactions are being treated differently. We'll delete everything when we're done troubleshooting. Please include a Share link to the course, or the zipped output if you exported for LMS or web. We can go from there!

Steven Meikle

I encountered the reverse issue (but similar) - I wanted the storyline embed to immediately play adn reveal the infographic in rise (it was an interactive infographic). I did not want the play icon on a black screen.

I had two identically created seperate storyline interactive infographic embeds - one immediately showed the infographic landing slide (which i wanted) the other did not. The second one had some slide layers with video, so I made an identical first slide stripped of all interaction and at 1 sec had it switching to second slide (with interactions and video) this resolved the play screen and instead showed the interaction slide immediately.

Jess Knight

Hi Alyssa,

I'm using a storyline block so that audio will autoplay. It's the first block in the lesson. I have a continue button at the end with a few blocks after the storyline block. The setting 'Complete All Blocks Above' is not unlocking the continue button. It only unlocks if it's directly after the storyline block. I have the 'Complete Course' trigger at the end of timeline in the storyline file.

I want to make sure the user listens to all of the audio while reading the text blocks after the storyline block before moving forward to the next storyline block. If I don't lock the continue button, it's possible that more than 1 storyline audio plays at the same time.

Do you have suggestions or know why the continue button is not unlocking?


Renae Jenkins

When I add a Storyline Interactive to my Rise course, it works perfectly in the "author" link version. However, when published to Review 360, the video/audio portion plays automatically. Is this an issue in Review 360 only, or is there something I can do with my SL file to make it not play automatically in Review 360? I have attached the storyline file. 

Luciana Piazza

Hi Renae, 

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your file with us! 

From what I understand, you currently have a Storyline block incorporated into your Rise course, and the Storyline block is automatically playing in the Review 360 link. Is that correct? 

  • If so, it is expected on desktops and laptops for Storyline blocks to play automatically by design. 

To learn more about this, here's a great article on preventing Storyline blocks from playing automatically, including how to pause it.

Let us know if you have any questions!