Survey questions in Rise 360?

Jun 11, 2020

I am working on a compliance course and want to use Rise 360. There are a few polling type questions that we want to ask learners for and be able to see their responses within our Saba LMS. In addition to this, we have an assessment that learners need to score 80% to comply.

I've been playing around in Rise 360 but I cannot figure out the best way to do this. Here is what I need.

Survey/poll questions:

  • I need to be able to have our LMS record the learner responses to two questions. Since they are survey type questions (what type of device are they using to complete the course, etc.), there is no correct or incorrect response. I know how to stop the "Correct" or "Incorrect" from displaying.
  • However, is there a way to not have a quiz results slide display?


  • Within the same course, and at a very different location than when I ask the survey questions, I need to have an assessment. This I understand how it works and have no issues.
  • If it is possible to have survey type questions and an assessment, how do I set it up to ensure that both 'quizzes' report correctly via the LMS for the exact same course?

Example of the survey type questions (the others are learner role specific)

Any information is greatly appreciated. I've watched the training webinar on Rise 360 assessments and quizzing. I understand the difference between knowledge check and quiz... just not sure how to do polling/survey type questions in one section of the course and an actual scored assessment in another section.


95 Replies
John Cooper

Hi Kim

I share your frustration - it should be easier. There should be a facility to do this in RISE. In the meantime...

I have a client (assuming they sign-off the contract on Friday) who wants their whole course downloading as a pdf - including the learner responses from both text boxes and slider-driven surveys. They want the pdf downloadable and would like it emailed automatically to the learner. I have also suggested (although they didn't specify it as a requirement) that the pdf is stored on their server (they are using AWS).

We have provided the 'proof of concept' that included a single slider - which we output in the pdf as a slider image with the 'thumb' in the position set by the learner - not as a number on the page as per the demo I shared with you earlier in this thread.

I have explained that email cannot be sent automatically from client-side JavaScript code - nor any client-side code. So I have proposed either we open the default email server and let the learner attach the pdf they just downloaded OR we use an inexpensive e-mail forwarding service - the JavaScript sends the file to them via an API using a secure key and they then forward it to the specified recipient.

All this will be done in Storyline - BUT we will, for obvious reasons, make sure that the code uses dynamically loaded JavaScript libraries. The spin-off will be that we will then have the code that allows the learner to complete a slider-driven survey in a Storyline block in RISE and, at the end of the survey they will be able to download the results of the survey in a pdf AND email it automatically to whoever (albeit using a mail forwarding service).

It will be a survey in a single Storyline block and the results will be available at the end of that block (once you come out the block the results will be lost!)

If this is any use to you we will be happy to share how we did it... But easy, it ain't!

John Cooper

Re my earlier post on this thread, we have now completed the test using RISE - works great. We have a 15 question slider survey in Storyline. Inserting this as an Interactive block in Rise runs the questionnaire and, at the end, the learner clicks a button to download their survey responses in a pdf file.

We use JavaScript but the survey/assessment is a pdf 'form'. Which means that the same JavaScript code can be used for any survey (up to 15 questions) - the pdf file can be edited and, as long as the field names in the pdf are preserved no change is required to the JavaScript. Also no editing of the html is required after publishing.

I know it doesn't solve the communication to the LMS issue - but we still think it's pretty cool....

Nikki Treweek

I would also really like the survey block added to Rise! I am also trying to establish whether the delegates get to review their answers once they have completed the survey? This is what I would normally get them to do in person when I run this exercise as they need to add up their scores and see in what areas they scored high/low.

Gren Foronda

Hi Niki! Thanks for adding your voice to this feature request. There isn't any new information on this yet, but we'll keep this thread posted for updates that can help!

In the meantime, a lot of users are using an Embed block to embed a 3rd party form (such as Google Forms) to insert survey questions and track the results.

As for reviewing quiz/survey results, we're tracking requests for this feature as well. We'll update this thread once we have any information on this feature.

Daniel Furr

Is there any way to remove the "checkmark" icon for "correct" feedback or the "X" icon for the "incorrect" feedback? I am trying to add a survey question to a course, so there is no correct or incorrect answer. It allows me to change the text feedback, but I don't see any option to remove or replace the icons.