Team Member's Seat Accidentally Deleted along with her Rise Courses

Dec 09, 2020

Good morning, 

We have a case of an admin who went in to our license and decided to replace a person on our team with a different team member. Team member A (who's seat was was replaced) did a lot of work in Rise. After some discussion, Team member B gave Team Member A back her seat, but team member A no longer has her Rise courses in her account. Is there any way to recover Rise courses if the owner of the courses get's their seat taken away from them? Thank you!


2 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Katy,

I appreciate you reaching out here, and I'm sorry your user is no longer able to see their Rise content!

There are a few situations where this could occur, but I've opened a case on your behalf for our team to sort through this with you and figure out what happened.

In the meantime, feel free to take a look at the resource below that covers what happens when users leave your team:

Resource: Articulate 360 Teams: Managing Content When Users Leave Your Team