Text Label - % complete, download, and localization issues

Jul 22, 2019

1. I'm working with a Rise course that has been localized. The text labels show "% FINALIZADO" has replaced the English "% COMPLETE." All other text labels appear correctly, just not this one. How can I fix this?

2. "Download" next to a PDF is showing up in English, and I see no place either in the text labels or in the block editor to change this. Is there a way to change this?

3. Some languages have a space preceding a percentage sign. In this case, it should read "0 % finalizado," but the way the text labels are set up there is no way to insert the space between the "0" and "%" characters. Is there a way around this and, if not, is this something Rise can address?

Thank you!

1 Reply
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Diana!

The "% complete" and "download" labels you see when hovering are not included in the Rise 360 text labels. I've let our team know you need the ability to customize those labels as part of a feature request!

In addition, there isn't a way to insert a space between the number and the % symbol, but thank you for letting us know you have a need for that.  

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