Tracking quiz results through LMS

Jun 03, 2020

How do I track the results from my stoyline quizs that are embeded into rise 360 through my LMS? is this possible?

5 Replies
Phoebe Lu

Hi Alyssa,

I want to double check, clients want sth like being able to capture data in the questions people are failing in the quiz; Also the quiz success rates who got 100% first time how many times people has to take the quiz to get 100%, etc. 

But like what you pointed out the question-level details are not sent to the LMS. So Rise cannot realize the above requests? Even if by using Sotryline block?

 Thank you in advance.


Phoebe Lu

Hi Alyssa,

I use built-in Rise Quiz directly at the end of the course. My clients asked if the question-level data can be captured, and I am not sure about it. But looks like the list almost has all we want. Very Cool! 

I am just surprised that the embedded quiz from Storyline 360 can not capture the question-level data. 

Thank you very much again!


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