Uploading HTML file in Rise

Sep 11, 2017


Is there a possiblity to upload/add the html files in rise? As of now, i can see only the links can be given in the buttons and URL/Embed block

13 Replies
Swapnil Jagtap

Hi Crystal,

I cant use the attachment block, the HTML file is having some supported other files (examples jquery, js) are link to this html file. Also, i dont want to create any zip file. Reason being, that the html file which i have created is a survey question, i just want user to open this html file and attempt the survey questions.  

If i gave them a zip file, then i will have to explain the user how to extract document and attempt the survey question. It will be a lenghty work for the user. I just want user to click on the link and the html file will direclty open. User doesnt need to download or do some extra work for the html. That was my purpose. 

Is there any other possible ways?

If not then i can put it as a tool limitations to my seniors and find some other possibilities


Alyssa Gomez

Hi Arsalan,

If the file is hosted on a web server, have you tried embedding the survey question in a URL/Embed lesson or block? This iFrame code should do the trick:

<iframe src="Insert Your URL to the HTML file here"></iframe>

If you need any help, share the URL here, and I'll point you in the right direction. 🙂

sarah stark

Hi Articulate Gurus,

I am trying to add an audio recorder by using the insert multimedia (HTML), so that learners could record their audio, play it back to listen, and download it.

Would you know how I can go by providing this option on an Articulate Rise course? 

Thank you much. I have been searching for this option for years. :(

Learn Primeast

Being able to insert HTML/CSS/JS directly into a Rise component block would be very helpful to extend functionality - in the same way that Storyline does. I appreciate that this would have 'support' type issues where a course might break, but that shouldn't prevent people being able to add bespoke creativity.

Alexia Thomas

Hi - I was looking to see about the feasibility in inserting HTML directly in Articulate Rise and stumbled on this thread (it appears this is not supported at the time). I would also like to echo other's comments that having this ability would be useful.

In my case, one of our data scientists created an interactive graphic (one of many to come) that would be super useful for our learners. They shared the graphic via html. It would make for a great user experience in Aritculate if I could simply insert directly in my Rise course. I get that I can host the HTML on another platform, but this is now something extra I'll need to figure out. So if you're collecting votes for HTML integration - I'm voting yes please!

Carla Lorer

Hi Alexia,

If I understand correctly what you are trying to do, it should be quite simple and quick using Storyline. You can then use the Storyline block to insert the interactive graphic in the course.

1. Create a folder and save the HTML file in it. (Storyline imports a folder, not the HTML file.)

2. Open Storyline and double-click on the slide to get into the editor. 

3. Go to Insert -> Web Object and click the folder icon to browse. Select the folder that you just created with your HTML in it and click OK. 

4. If you know the height and width of your graphic, you can go to Design -> Slide Size and make the slide slightly larger than the graphic. 

5. Publish your Storyline to Review 360 then View Project. If the graphic is too small or too large (so it has a scrolling panel), go back into Storyline and adjust the Slide Size. It may take some trial and error to get the size right but it looks great once you do. You'll have to publish again each time to check if you have it right. (There may be a quicker way to do this.)

6. Once you are happy with the appearance of your Storyline, insert it into your Rise course using the Storyline block in the Interactive menu in Rise.

Extra tips:

  • You can't preview a Storyline with a Web Object. You have to Publish to Review 360 to view.
  • Save your Storyline file with an appropriate name before you Publish. Regardless of what name you choose when you publish, the name of the Storyline shows up sometimes. 

I hope this is useful to you!