Video embeds not working in rise 360 courses.

Jan 05, 2022

Hi all, I have noticed this morning that video embeds don't seem to be working in Rise 360. I have tested this on a previously exported build that shows the video fine. But if I preview that exact same course within my rise 360 account, video embeds are blank except for the metadata. I have tried creating new video embeds and the same issue occurs.

Could there be a global issue related to video embeds within rise 360, or could it just be me?

16 Replies
Jose Tansengco

Hi Stacy, 

Would you mind trying to add the video below to an embed block in Rise 360 so we can isolate the cause of the behavior? 

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Alternatively, you can use this direct URL as well:

If any of these embed sources work for you, then the issue is most likely with the Brightcove link that you are using. You'll want to make sure that your Brightcove video is publicly accessible for it to work in Rise 360, and that you're using the correct embed code. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Jose Tansengco

Hello All, 

I'm sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. It appears that there may have been a temporary outage of the service which caused embedded videos to stop working properly. I tested on my end and I can confirm that embedding both Vimeo and Youtube videos appear to be working properly now. Here's a link to the published output of the course that I used for testing. 

Would you mind checking to see if you are still encountering the behavior? If the issue is still happening, try the following troubleshooting steps to isolate the issue: 

Let me know how it goes!