Edie Dugger
Edie Dugger
Training and Professional Development Specialist at Community Action Partnership of North Alabama
Edie Dugger replied to the discussion Previewing slides vs scenes
"Ok- so I have a trigger on a pic that takes them to another slide.  I also have a trigger that changes the state when the pic is clicked...."
  • almost 8 years ago08/12/16 at 10:23 pm (UTC)
Edie Dugger replied to the discussion Previewing slides vs scenes
"Ok- trying a link to it https://capna-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ediedugger_capna_org/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?guestaccesstoken=NXcc..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/12/16 at 9:36 pm (UTC)
Edie Dugger replied to the discussion Previewing slides vs scenes
"I'm trying, it says it's 189MB...  Did I mention I was new and self taught:)"
  • almost 8 years ago08/12/16 at 9:09 pm (UTC)
Edie Dugger replied to the discussion Previewing slides vs scenes
"It's big and after I tried to preview scene and the "meet the team" slide 1,40 didn't do all it's "tricks"  I didn't preview the scene an..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/12/16 at 8:56 pm (UTC)
Edie Dugger started a new discussion Previewing slides vs scenes
"I've been previewing my slides as I go in my scene to make sure all my triggers are functioning.  Now I've completed the entire scene I w..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/12/16 at 8:17 pm (UTC)