Hianna Sabo
Hianna Sabo
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Simple Authoring Tool for non-IDs?
"How do I go about that?"
  • 2 years ago03/10/22 at 6:05 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Date last modified (Re-posted)
"Hi there! You could create a text variable that stores the appropriate revised date. Place the variable in its own slide. Then, whenever ..."
  • 2 years ago03/09/22 at 1:41 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Change bullet color in Rise
"Another vote! "
  • 2 years ago03/04/22 at 3:03 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion No se visualiza video
"Como estas insertando el video? En my experiencia, si tienes la fila actual del video, ponlo en un folder, y trata de no moverlo de esta ..."
  • 2 years ago03/04/22 at 11:52 am (UTC)
"I just tried doing this on Feb 2022, and adding a 95+% transparency still allows me to move the slider. My solution was to change the set..."
  • over 2 years ago02/28/22 at 3:54 pm (UTC)
"Hi Deniz, could you discuss your Unity to SCORM pipeline? I am trying to figure this out for an upcoming project. Do you think the plugin..."
  • over 2 years ago02/24/22 at 2:10 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Audio for multiple slide layers
"My pleasure! "
  • over 2 years ago02/24/22 at 1:49 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Audio for multiple slide layers
"Hi there! Just add the sound file to that layer. Then click on the cogs wheel icon in the bottom right corner, just below the layers to m..."
  • over 2 years ago02/23/22 at 8:54 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion creating module sections
"Can you provide a larger screenshot? Looks like someone named each scene, “module.” If you double click at the top of an scene on scene v..."
  • over 2 years ago02/16/22 at 5:19 pm (UTC)
"Totally not! I work for an agency as well, and we make “executive decisions” all of the time. Sometimes design wise we let them have thei..."
  • over 2 years ago02/10/22 at 8:55 pm (UTC)
"Looks great and very polished. "
  • over 2 years ago02/09/22 at 1:30 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo started a new discussion Shuffling questions causes issues with animations.
"Hello. Just wanted to bring attention to an issue. I am working on a non-shareable file that includes a few question slides. Apparen..."
  • over 2 years ago01/27/22 at 6:24 pm (UTC)
"Yes, this is really helpful for creating accurate buttons, for example, without having to select groups. I have not encountered problems ..."
  • over 2 years ago01/20/22 at 11:39 am (UTC)
Hianna Sabo commented on the e‑learning example Storyline: What's Their Role
"Joanna, I just saw your work featured and have to ask, how did you achieve the horizontal scrolling on the ID cards. Did you use motion p..."
  • over 2 years ago01/13/22 at 9:33 pm (UTC)
"This is amazing! When one drops the drag and drop object into the target, does it open a new layer with the slider interaction? "
  • over 2 years ago01/04/22 at 1:20 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Lottie files
"Has anyone been able to improve the quality (sharpness) of Lottie-as-gif files?"
  • over 2 years ago12/23/21 at 6:32 pm (UTC)
"Thank you for the prompt response! I hope we see this soon."
  • over 2 years ago12/21/21 at 3:33 pm (UTC)
"Any updates on this feature request? Sounds like being able to add the replay button independently from the seekbar might resolve th..."
  • over 2 years ago12/21/21 at 3:06 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Image compression
"Thanks for the tip! I am a big fan of your GSAP posts as well. I will play with the TinyPNG plugin later on today. "
  • over 2 years ago12/17/21 at 7:35 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Image compression
"So, Math, could you disclose your workflow for producing or processing PNGs? Do you work on the image on Photoshop, save the file as a pn..."
  • over 2 years ago12/17/21 at 1:29 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Marker images are wrong
"Having the same issue. When zooming an image within a marker, an incorrect image shows. Reconstructing did not fix the issue for me. Has ..."
  • over 2 years ago12/14/21 at 6:17 pm (UTC)
"Hi there. Have you checked your “drag and drop options”? Try setting the drop target to the center. "
  • over 2 years ago11/21/21 at 3:41 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Compliance Training Animation Templates
"Have you checked out E-learning Locker? "
  • over 2 years ago11/11/21 at 8:52 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Qualidade das Imagens
"Hi there! You can place your .SVGs in PowerPoint then copy+paste into Articulate. As a rule of thumb, I suggest the size of your images s..."
  • over 2 years ago11/10/21 at 1:34 pm (UTC)
Hianna Sabo replied to the discussion Pasting text from Word
"Hello everyone - Try selecting the text just before the last period. You will notice the selection doesn't include a table, nor all of it..."
  • over 2 years ago11/02/21 at 5:30 pm (UTC)