Jeff Schlaybach
Jeff Schlaybach
Senior Technical Course Developer at LTXC
"Hi Christie, Really wasn't after any JS support, but thought perhaps your software used a script that was easily changed to set the imag..."
  • over 8 years ago02/29/16 at 5:50 pm (UTC)
"Found this VBA code that will go through all images in a WORD 2007 doc and resize the images to 100%.   Would still be nice to know if ..."
  • over 8 years ago02/29/16 at 2:50 pm (UTC)
"This is such a basic issue: i.e. WYSI NOT WYG! How can anyone trust the work of placing objects, drawing lines, arrows etc. when after pu..."
  • 9 years ago03/23/15 at 3:15 pm (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Unable to open .ppta's with Presenter
"Leslie, Spent hours searching in the Articulate Presenter Forum (2009) for a way to pull apart the ppta file, strip it of bogus content ..."
  • 9 years ago03/17/15 at 11:53 am (UTC)
"Adrian, Realize this is an older post, but I am searching the Articulate KB for a method to use 7zip to pull a ppta file apart, strip ou..."
  • 9 years ago03/17/15 at 11:21 am (UTC)
"Hi Leslie - sorry for my posts always being so negative it seems. I want in the strongest way to see your products succeed, but they leav..."
  • over 9 years ago01/30/15 at 6:24 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie. I think for now I'll just disable the Articulate Communicator Add-In from within PowerPoint each time I restart it when ..."
  • over 9 years ago10/07/14 at 10:20 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Web Objects MIsplaced - not centered
"I did, thank! Unfortunately a fix does not appear to be forthcoming which will limit our ability to move from the '09 to the '13 produc..."
  • over 9 years ago10/01/14 at 4:48 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Zoom Image w/o Engage
"One quick followup, I was able to use the Microsoft Deep Zoom Composer, import an image, export as a Seadragon Ajax single image as shown..."
  • over 9 years ago09/30/14 at 6:23 am (UTC)
"OK - so I guess after looking at this tutorial I'll need to ask for another feature request as it does not address the issue of importing..."
  • over 9 years ago09/30/14 at 5:32 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Zoom Image w/o Engage
"George - not sure if this software would help: However, does not appear th..."
  • over 9 years ago09/30/14 at 3:57 am (UTC)
"OK - well that sorta worked, but not really that well. Here's some new issues that using a '13 Quizmaker Template generates: After savin..."
  • over 9 years ago09/29/14 at 11:29 am (UTC)
"That worked for the Results Slide!"
  • over 9 years ago09/29/14 at 10:11 am (UTC)
"Thanks Leslie - I'll take a look at the tutorial if I haven't already. I did find that if I opened up the two quizzes at the same time, ..."
  • over 9 years ago09/29/14 at 9:03 am (UTC)
"HI Leslie, I tried various things like moving the iPad closer to the DSL router, etc. but none of these things changed this behavior. ..."
  • over 9 years ago09/29/14 at 8:58 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Web Objects MIsplaced - not centered
"Submitted a support ticket and sent your team the Captivate-created Web Object folder/files."
  • over 9 years ago09/29/14 at 8:46 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Web Objects MIsplaced - not centered
"I'd be happy to send you the published .zip file because that should have ALL of the Web Object content. The package you asked for appear..."
  • over 9 years ago09/26/14 at 1:20 pm (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Trouble with Flash .swfs and Auto Advance
"Thanks for the idea, but I think it is probably just "simpler" as a temporary work-around, to insert the interactive SWF as a Web Object,..."
  • over 9 years ago09/26/14 at 4:36 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Captivate files in Presenter 13?
"Update - appears you can add an SWF using the video insert Icon and include video controls. However, it does not seem to behave as one wo..."
  • over 9 years ago09/25/14 at 11:42 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Trouble with Flash .swfs and Auto Advance
"Ericka - ever find a solution to this?"
  • over 9 years ago09/25/14 at 10:08 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Captivate files in Presenter 13?
"Anyone get an answer on this? We've inserted SWF captivate files (many from Captivate 3) into Articulate '09 with ease, and now have lost..."
  • over 9 years ago09/25/14 at 10:08 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Web Objects MIsplaced - not centered
"Thanks - please let me know what you find."
  • over 9 years ago09/25/14 at 6:13 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Slide number in the player bar
"Patrick, every hear anything back from the Articulate development team on this request? I submitted the same thing back in Feb 2014 and a..."
  • over 9 years ago09/24/14 at 11:17 am (UTC)
"Thanks for verifying, and this is the behavior that is different from '09 and should be restored ( as an option at the very least) as per..."
  • over 9 years ago09/24/14 at 10:16 am (UTC)
Jeff Schlaybach replied to the discussion Web Objects MIsplaced - not centered
"Leslie, Please find the package attached (please make private). More Details: Slide 2 exhibits the odd Web Object location behavior whe..."
  • over 9 years ago09/24/14 at 7:36 am (UTC)