Julie Nixon
Julie Nixon
Julie Nixon replied to the discussion SPAM from articulate
"I just came here to ask the same thing ! Thanks"
  • 3 years ago03/31/21 at 6:29 pm (UTC)
"What Troy said!  If anyone knows of a font that does work that would be great.  I tried a bunch (but not all!) but had inconsistent resul..."
  • 6 years ago04/13/18 at 3:15 pm (UTC)
Julie Nixon started a new discussion Install/Update Issue
"Hello Everyone! Not sure if anyone can offer some ideas but I'm at wits end dealing with my IT Help Desk so I'm turning to all of you won..."
  • 6 years ago03/14/18 at 9:11 pm (UTC)
"I'm developing learning modules at the federal government level, that is then provided to 50 state governments and sometimes even more lo..."
  • over 6 years ago02/22/18 at 4:17 pm (UTC)