Katie May
Katie May
Katie May replied to the discussion Unable to publish a review link
"this is happening to me too: - I use Safari (17.3.1), have checked in the private window and also attempted it in Chrome (122.0.6261.69)..."
  • 3 months ago02/27/24 at 9:22 am (UTC)
"adding a vote "
  • 4 months ago01/24/24 at 3:51 pm (UTC)
Katie May replied to the discussion Glossary feature
"adding my vote :)"
  • 4 months ago01/23/24 at 2:57 pm (UTC)
Katie May started a new discussion 360 image label resize
"Hi - I saw an article saying you can't change 360 image label sizes but has there been any change to this? I've noticed some really nice ..."
  • 1 year ago03/14/23 at 11:04 am (UTC)
Katie May replied to the discussion Character Limit in Rise Scenarios
"great ideas - thank you :)"
  • 3 years ago05/31/21 at 9:10 am (UTC)
Katie May replied to the discussion Character Limit in Rise Scenarios
"I'm adding my voice to this too. I can't get all the details I need into a scenario even with a bit of creative editing. Surely multiple ..."
  • 3 years ago04/28/21 at 9:54 am (UTC)
Katie May replied to the discussion Resizing/Moving issues
"Thanks Judy, thanks for that. It's definitely a recent change for me, driving me crazy haha :)"
  • over 3 years ago02/19/21 at 11:04 am (UTC)
Katie May started a new discussion Resizing/Moving issues
"Is anyone having issues with resizing text boxes, pictures and shapes etc? Just recently, whenever I try to change the size of something ..."
  • over 3 years ago02/17/21 at 12:29 pm (UTC)
Katie May replied to the discussion distribute horizontally not working
"oh man silly me! Thanks so much "
  • over 4 years ago01/22/20 at 11:32 am (UTC)
Katie May started a new discussion distribute horizontally not working
"Is the distribute horizontally command working for everyone else? I'm trying to spread 18 arrows out evenly but when I click it it aligns..."
  • over 4 years ago01/22/20 at 11:27 am (UTC)
"Thanks Phil, this is really helpful oh no worries David, appreciate you helping anyway x"
  • 5 years ago05/14/19 at 1:22 pm (UTC)
"Thanks Phil, that makes sense.. sounds a weeeeee bit tricky but I'll give it a go! Thank you :) (to explain: basically I'm recreating a ..."
  • 5 years ago05/14/19 at 12:54 pm (UTC)
Katie May started a new discussion timeline trigger based on text box variable
"Is it possible to create a trigger that jumps to a new slide when the timeline reaches "an amount of seconds entered on another layer in ..."
  • 5 years ago05/14/19 at 12:20 pm (UTC)
Katie May started a new discussion Dimming - all or nothing?
"Hi all :) Long time forum-advice-reader, first-time poster! I have a slide with 5 layers, I only want one of these layers to dim and the ..."
  • over 5 years ago02/13/19 at 12:29 pm (UTC)
"oh dear - have I been super complicating matters? Thanks so much :)"
  • over 5 years ago12/12/18 at 3:56 pm (UTC)
"I have two quizzes in my module - depending on which group the user belongs to depends on which quiz they take, they must only take one. ..."
  • over 5 years ago12/12/18 at 2:20 pm (UTC)