Kyle Perry
Kyle Perry
Kyle Perry started a new discussion Working from network drives - Storyline 2
"I remember years ago that working from a network drive caused problems saving and publishing Articulate files, specifically Studio files...."
  • almost 9 years ago06/18/15 at 6:58 pm (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion Click and Hold Trigger
"I need a slide to advance once a hotspot has been clicked and held (clicked down) for 2 seconds. The "when the user clicks" trigger only ..."
  • over 10 years ago02/04/14 at 4:40 pm (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion Freeform question with help layer
"I'm creating a freeform quiz with a help layer. However, when the freeform is submitted with the help layer shown, the results always say..."
  • over 10 years ago01/20/14 at 10:59 am (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion Trigger for moving cursor away from hotspot
"I have a hotspot that shows a new layer upon clicking. I would like that layer to disappear when the cursor leaves the hotspot, instead o..."
  • over 10 years ago01/17/14 at 6:38 am (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion No audio in Articulate Mobile
"I have a video loaded into a Storyline module. When I preview and publish on my computer the sound and video plays fine. When I open in t..."
  • over 10 years ago01/03/14 at 9:20 am (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion Capture Information and Save on iPad
"Is there a way to capture information on a Storyline presentation and store it locally on an iPad? I'm planning to have an iPad set up on..."
  • over 10 years ago10/11/13 at 7:11 am (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion Storyline on iPad for a Trade Show Display
"Has anyone ever created a stand-alone Storyline module to be run on a trade show floor? I'm working on creating one for a national confer..."
  • over 10 years ago10/04/13 at 1:08 pm (UTC)
Kyle Perry started a new discussion No text in buttons, shapes, captions
"When I try to type in text in a button, shape, or caption, nothing shows up. For example, if I wanted to label a button "Click Here." I t..."
  • over 11 years ago12/18/12 at 11:03 am (UTC)