Lou Mang
Lou Mang
Lou Mang replied to the discussion Drag and drop Woes
"Thanks Wendy. Changing the option to one drag item at a time and shortening the sentences helped greatly.  "
  • over 6 years ago11/17/17 at 8:56 pm (UTC)
Lou Mang started a new discussion Drag and drop Woes
"I have a simple drag and drop exercise that doesn't seem so simple to me. I have the form view all set correctly yet when I preview the f..."
  • over 6 years ago11/17/17 at 5:25 pm (UTC)
"Ok it happened again: [cid:image001.jpg@01D28D2B.283926F0]"
  • over 7 years ago02/22/17 at 9:48 pm (UTC)
"Weird. It appears to be functioning properly for me as well. I do notice one thing still however. When I go to delete a comment the resul..."
  • over 7 years ago02/22/17 at 9:48 pm (UTC)
"Im using Articulate 360. Heres the link: https://360.articulate.com/review/content/89791d99-646a-47ce-8701-edb843ca7897/review This is ..."
  • over 7 years ago02/22/17 at 6:20 pm (UTC)
Lou Mang started a new discussion Articulate 360 and IE 11 compatibility
"When I publish to Articulate 360 for review purposes I find that the resulting output in IE 11 wont allow me to add comments. Chrome work..."
  • over 7 years ago02/22/17 at 2:27 pm (UTC)
"How do you publish  a course in Flash?"
  • over 7 years ago01/17/17 at 9:03 pm (UTC)
"I have an issue with Articulate 360. I'm using hotspots on a lightbox slide that triggers show layers when hovered over. When I preview "..."
  • over 7 years ago01/17/17 at 6:13 pm (UTC)