Oskari Wäänänen
Oskari Wäänänen
Oskari Wäänänen replied to the discussion Timeline Preview vs. Project Preview
"Hi, I'm having the same problem with Storyline 3. Incredible that this issue has not been addressed in three years."
  • over 5 years ago09/27/18 at 8:55 am (UTC)
Oskari Wäänänen started a new discussion Duplicating layers copies over top layer
"I am having this issue with duplicating layers when it randomly overwrites the top layer and if I undo the change (Ctrl+Z) the top layer ..."
  • 6 years ago06/05/18 at 2:29 pm (UTC)
"Collapsing and expanding the trigger panel seems to also do the trick (forcing storyline to redraw the triggers) and is the simplest way ..."
  • 6 years ago06/05/18 at 12:27 pm (UTC)
"I have the same problem. Slows down work and is generally annoying. Is there any fix? Or plans by articulate to address this? I always h..."
  • 6 years ago06/05/18 at 11:07 am (UTC)