Richard Low
Richard Low
Curious Genius Pty Ltd
"Learn about our e-learning course for kids, where we teach numbers and place values."
  • 5 years ago05/18/19 at 11:34 pm (UTC)
Richard Low replied to the discussion Pulling data from Google Sheets
"Thanks! Will check it out."
  • 5 years ago04/18/19 at 1:13 am (UTC)
Richard Low started a new discussion Pulling data from Google Sheets
"Has anyone had any success pulling data from google sheets into Storyline? I've tried some examples posted on the forums some time ago b..."
  • 5 years ago04/16/19 at 1:33 pm (UTC)
"Hi, not sure if anyone has encountered this issue, but I have multiple question banks and multiple scenes that draw questions from these ..."
  • 6 years ago05/18/18 at 5:07 am (UTC)
"I finally got it to work. Issue was my anti-virus which protected some of my computers folders and prevented storyline from properly en..."
  • over 6 years ago02/20/18 at 10:03 am (UTC)
"It is hosted on a website, I've tried it on my local machine, on various browsers. I've tried republishing numerous times. See attached."
  • over 6 years ago02/13/18 at 11:02 am (UTC)
"Hi, does anyone face this issue of mp3 or wav files not playing in their Storyline 360 HTML content? I've checked the browser console mes..."
  • over 6 years ago02/11/18 at 1:02 am (UTC)