emily gill
emily gill
booz allen hamilton
emily gill started a new discussion Issue with Bookmarking
"Hi there, hoping someone can help or confirm if this has been an issue for anyone else recently. I'm working with Storyline 360, and it s..."
  • 3 years ago03/19/21 at 10:39 pm (UTC)
emily gill started a new discussion Drag and Drop issue
"Hello, I am having issues with several of the drag and drop slides I have inserted in my course. The first few drag and drop slides work ..."
  • over 3 years ago12/31/20 at 7:37 pm (UTC)
emily gill started a new discussion Publishing to Review 360, Web, LMS Issues
"I'm currently having a problem publishing to Review 360, Web, and LMS. I am able to publish a single module however I receive an er..."
  • over 3 years ago09/17/20 at 3:03 pm (UTC)
emily gill started a new discussion .swf files in HTML5 package
"Hello! We have a course in which we've heavily used screen captures that were taking using Storyline 360. We've packaged the course as HT..."
  • 4 years ago03/26/20 at 9:05 pm (UTC)
emily gill started a new discussion Content Library Tagging
"Just an observation, but performing an image search of "executive" in the content library predominantly turns up images of white menĀ - th..."
  • over 5 years ago01/31/19 at 11:46 pm (UTC)
"Hi all! I'm new to Storyline and am having an issue adding "change state" triggers to a group. Here's the issue: when prompted to select ..."
  • over 5 years ago10/17/18 at 5:56 pm (UTC)
emily gill started a new discussion Storing User Info
"Our current project incorporates some checklists and activities that users are intended to complete outside of the course itself. We had ..."
  • over 6 years ago01/18/18 at 9:56 pm (UTC)