joel colley
joel colley
joel colley started a new discussion Ongoing issues inserting Storyline block into Rise
"hi Last year i had an issue inserting a storyline block into Rise. it was resolved, but has resurfaced. I am signed into Ris..."
  • 6 months ago12/18/23 at 5:40 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Randomised Storyline Quizzing
"Hi all I've built a quiz in Storyline that draws randomly from a quiz bank. All is going well except for one matter. When it comes to ret..."
  • 7 months ago10/27/23 at 1:56 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Issues adding Storyline blocks into rise
"Hi Since last year i've had issues adding Storyline blocks into Rise courses. Issue is, after publishing to Review 360 the Storylin..."
  • 1 year ago04/17/23 at 1:32 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Publishing to web for upload to sharepoint
"Hi I now realise I cannot publish a Rise course to the web and embed it into. So, I've used the "Share" link in Rise instead and have add..."
  • 1 year ago03/24/23 at 5:06 am (UTC)
"Hi I recently created a Rise course with an embedded video file. My colleagues could view the video in Review 360, but not after I ..."
  • 1 year ago03/03/23 at 5:50 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Attachments in Rise
"Hi all If I add attachments into a Rise course that's then exported and uploaded into LMS, will those attachments still work and operate?..."
  • over 1 year ago12/08/22 at 5:41 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Help! Rise accessibility concerns.
"Hi The LMS Team at my work claim that Rise doesn't meet accessibility standards. Therefore, they won't publish an eLearning project I've ..."
  • over 2 years ago01/12/22 at 9:07 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Attn David: Feedback on my eLearning template please
"Hi David. I just watched the Graphic Design Essentials Part 1 webinar. Feeling both inspired and stuck. You mentioned I could submi..."
  • almost 3 years ago07/01/21 at 4:44 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion Adding Storyline Blocks to Rise
"Hi all I added a Storyline Block to Rise. The block was a quiz. On the last slide of the storyline slide when you answer the quiz correct..."
  • almost 3 years ago07/01/21 at 1:44 am (UTC)
joel colley started a new discussion David - Articulate training
"hi David I watched your importing ppt video. I was wondering why some of the ppts imported across with blank previews in story view, but ..."
  • over 3 years ago12/09/20 at 7:16 am (UTC)