5 Replies
Steven Benassi

Hi McKenzie!

Glad to see you've been receiving some help from Teri!

It sounds like you've hit a snag with Storyline icons changing their format after publishing to Review 360. Sorry to hear that, but I'd be glad to help!

Testing the behavior on my end (Storyline 360 version 3.82.31354.0 via Windows Parallels on a Mac M1) I was unable to reproduce the same issue. The checkmark icon retained its proper shape during preview, and after publishing to Review 360.

If you're comfortable sharing a copy of the affected .story file, I'd be happy to take a closer look at what could be causing this issue. Feel free to attach a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Steven Benassi

Hi Todd!

Sorry to hear you've been affected by this issue!

We are tracking a bug in Storyline that causes shapes to shift position when previewed or published. If you're comfortable sharing your affected .story file, I'd be happy to take a closer look and confirm if you're being affected by the same one.

Feel free to attach a copy here in the discussion or privately through a support case.