New in Storyline 360: Video Transcripts

Apr 04, 2023

Transcripts don’t just benefit learners who are deaf or hard of hearing—they also aid anyone who needs to learn in a noisy environment, prefers to read, or uses a braille display. Now, Storyline 360 can automatically generate synchronized text transcripts from video closed captions—drastically speeding up your workflow. To find out how this works, head over here: Storyline 360: Video Transcripts.

Once you’ve given it a try we’d love to hear what you think! Please share any feedback or suggestions in the comments below. We’ll be working on enhancements for this feature and want to know if there are areas for improvement or additional functionality that you’d like to see. We’re looking forward to your feedback!

~The Storyline 360 Team

35 Replies
Marilana Rufo

If I have full transcripts/scripts written out, plus audio recordings- given this, it should really be possible to have storyline match the existing text script based on the auto-detection of captions. What is the most time efficient way to add closed captioning, given that we have everything I should need to quickly and simply put this together? It seems despite having everything already created, I'll still need to manually paste all the text in, caption by caption??

Hugh Vaughan

This might sound an odd request, but could imported or generated text-to-speech audio files also have a local player control which would include the transcript button along with play/pause etc? 

That way a page could have an introduction audio that users could control (not using the main Storyline player control bar at the bottom) and read a transcript.

Shawna Purnell

You can upload your video into Microsoft Stream, click on the transcript, and generate and the captions will automatically populate and be easily edited. Save the .VTT file. Then after adding your video to Storyline go to Video tools/options and click import and add your VTT file.  That way you don't have to type it all out by hand. Hope this helps. 

Luciana Piazza

Hi Nancy, 

Thanks so much for your interest in keeping things accessible for your learners.

Are you looking for a way to download the video transcript to share with learners or are you thinking of a way to create a transcript document that your learners could download right from the course? 

You might consider exporting captions if you’ve already added those to your video. This would also help you create a transcript for your learners to download, and then attach it to the slide with the video. If you go this route, you’ll need an Open File Trigger too.

If you were looking to accomplish something different, just let us know! We’re happy to help.

Looking forward to hearing from you!