How about an Escape Room game built in Storyline? Want to play for free?

Sep 07, 2023

Hello, Everyone,

we built a nice-looking Escape Room game in Articulate Storyline and thought it would be cool to get your opinion about it? 

Full disclosure: child labor was used to make it, meaning Karlis (founder of FasterCourse) kids participated in the testing of the game, it is pretty fun though :)

Play here:

Game plot: Solve 4 riddles to open a door, solve 5th riddle and set yourself free. 

Have a fantastic week everyone, I hope you solve all your professional and personal riddles this week!



41 Replies
Alexander Covan

Very nice graphics. 
It must have taken quite a lot of repetitive scripting to get the 8 variations of "correct" in the magic square puzzle :

The torch puzzle, somehow I got it right randomly in a few moves.
The map instructions left me wondering. I thought I had to input each step and expected to see progress of some sort. I finally tried figuring the final solutions for both paths and inputting them into the lock successfully.