Can multiple people publish the same course to Articulate Review?

Jul 15, 2020


While we can easily share our courses with each other in Rise by changing the collaboration settings, we can't seem to do the same thing in Review.

One of my team mates has recently left. I have taken over her courses but cannot access them in Review without going into each course individually. I also do not get the notifications that someone has provided feedback...these are now going to a defunct email address.

I also am unable to publish a new version of these courses. Instead, I seem to have to publish a new which case I lose all of the existing feedback on the course.

Has anyone figured out how to publish a new version of someone else's course?





Pinned Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share that we just released Team Folders for Review 360! You can now create shared team folders in Review 360 to organize your content and assign permissions. This also includes allowing multiple authors to publish new versions of the content you shared in these folders for better collaboration.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

33 Replies
Ren Gomez

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for reaching out! Currently, there is no way for multiple team members to publish a new version to the same Review 360 link. 

This exact scenario has been mentioned before in other discussions, and we've taken note of it to share with our product team. I'll be sure to add your insight as well to our report and pop back in here when we have any progress to share on this feature.

Mary-Scott Hunter

Also chiming in here. I'm not quite sure what the benefit is of the extra $300 charged for a team license if you can't actually publish to the same link. 

On an adjacent topic, is there a way to get better visibility into what is being considered for the development roadmap. I've been noticing that there are quite a few items that people have been asking for, for quite some time, and the response appears to typically be, we will share it with out product team...

John Morgan

Hi Sam,

Thanks for taking the time to share what you’d like to see in Storyline 360. We currently have this logged as a feature request, but we don't have an ETA we can share just yet. In the meantime, I’ll go ahead and include your voice in the request. We’ll update this discussion if this feature makes it on our feature roadmap.

Karen Aman

We are also dealing with this issue and I have submitted a feature request, just to add my name to this queue. We currently have to log all versions of the review links by different team members to track comments and attachments. It decreases efficiency and creates confusion when someone forgets to log a single review link. I hope this will be moved up on the Roadmap priority list. It seems to be a popular need for many users.

Sara Everitt

Can you add my voice as well?  My team also collaborates on these projects and needs the ability to post new versions rather than new projects.  We send the link out to reviewers that need to view each update, but sometimes I make the updates and sometimes a team member makes them, the reviewers would get confused having to work off two different links and we would get lost on which is the latest.