'Feedback' section of Review Shows different typeface in thumbnails to the Rise course I can see in Review

Mar 28, 2022

Hi all, 

Just noted that in receiving comments from clients on a Rise Course in Review, when I selected the 'Feedback' area, it shows the thumbnails of where the reviewer was looking when they commented, the thumbnails show a serif typeface rather than the brand sans serif it should be. Is this just a bug in Review or is this what the client is seeing? 
My colleagues who have checked out the Review, say that they can see the correct typeface. 
Thought I would check here to see if it was a known phenomena, before asking the client for a screenshot of what they can see! 


4 Replies
NUM eLearning

Hello, is there support with this issue? I'm also finding that in addition to the font type changing to a serif font, the feedback screenshot isn't showing any of the visuals of the blocks. This makes editing virtually impossible without contacting the reviewer to see what the edit is (see attached).

Exporting comments into PDF also doesn't help.

I appreciate anyone who can show me how to solve this.
