Correct Quiz Responses in Red

Feb 11, 2021

I work for a company who has a distinct red color for branding. It looks beautiful as a theme color in Rise 360 except for one main problem: Red is implied and associated an incorrect response for quiz questions. However, correct responses in Rise show up as a red checkmark. This confuses users and was rejected by my stakeholders. So, I have to go to a green or blue for the theme. Is there anyway to change this or does Articulate have anything on their roadmap to change the color for quizzes to something more standard and intuitive while allowing authors to keep the theme color to brand standards?

17 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi there, Dan! It sounds like having the ability to customize the colors used for correct and incorrect quiz answers would be really helpful for your team! I'd be happy to share that idea as a feature request. While that isn't on our roadmap right now, we'll let you know if we make any changes that will help.

Steven Benassi

Hi Michelle!

Thanks for reaching out! It sounds like having the ability to customize the colors used for correct/incorrect quiz answers would really benefit you and your team! I've included your voice in the Feature Report and we'll update this thread if it makes it onto our Feature Roadmap.

While I don't have any workaround to offer at this time, I would defer this question to our helpful community who may be able to offer some suggestions!

Jenni DeVore

Phil, would you mind if I sent you my zipped file and you can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Have a Beautiful Day,

Jenni West DeVore
JIT Content Developer

CNH Industrial
2601 Oakes Road
Sturtevant, WI 53177
Mob. +01 262 331 8677
