Storyline block video not auto playing in Rise

Feb 24, 2022

Can I please have some help on my Storyline block video not auto playing once put into Rise. I have done the below steps:


Show Video: In slide

Play Video: Automatically

Triggers - play video 1 when timeline starts on this slide


Menu & Controls OFF

Then I publish to Rise 360 - go to Interactive SL and choose the Rise 360 course. But it doesn't auto play it comes up with the video title and play button. (Screenshot attached) - please ignore file name its a video for a financial crime course :)

10 Replies
Gren Foronda

Hi Maia!

I'm sorry to hear that your Storyline video doesn't show or play correctly in your Rise course.

Does this issue occur even when previewing the Rise course? Or when viewing the published output (Web, LMS, or through the Share link)?

To clarify, did you publish the Storyline project as a video (MP4), and was this inserted as a Video block in Rise?

Can you try clearing your browsing data, and then viewing the Storyline video in your Rise course again? Here's how to do it for your browser:

Let us know how it goes or if you have any questions or clarifications; we're here to help!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Helen, 

Happy to chime in!

Embedded Storyline 360 blocks won't automatically play if there is audio or video on the first slide of the course. One workaround is to place a blank or introduction slide at the very beginning of the course and then place any video or audio files on the second or succeeding slides.

Feel free to share a copy of your Storyline 360 *.story project file here if you need any help with applying this workaround!

Eric Santos

Hello Karine and Olga,

I'm happy to chime in! Can you please check if setting the first slide to advance when learners click the "Next" button helps the second slide with the video to autoplay? If you already have that setup and the problem still happens, connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening. We'd appreciate it if you could share the Storyline project file in the support case. We'll reach out soon after we hear from you!