Review 360 keeps track of revision history. Here's how to manage your version history, control which versions your reviewers see, and choose the current version of the content.

View Previous Versions

Create new versions of Review 360 items to keep track of revision history. To create a new version, simply republish your content or manually upload it.

To see an older version of your content, open it in Review 360, click the Version drop-down list in the upper left corner of the screen, and select a version number. For Storyline 360 content, a cloud icon with a checkmark appears beside versions published with cloud backup. To save a copy of the backup file, select the version, click the more icon (•••) and choose Download project file.

Comments roll forward with each new version, so you’ll see comments for the version you selected and all versions before it. To see the latest comments, switch to the current version of the content.

You can’t add, edit, delete, resolve, or reopen comments in previous versions of an item. Switch to the current version to perform these tasks.

Hide and Unhide Versions

Sometimes you need to control which versions of a Review 360 item stakeholders see. It’s easy to show only selected versions while hiding other versions of an item. Here’s how.

  1. Click an item on your dashboard to open it.
  2. Click the Version drop-down list at the top of the screen and select the version you want to hide. (Note: You can't hide the current version of an item.)
  3. Click the more icon (•••) and choose Hide this version to hide it.

Stakeholders don't see hidden versions or their comments. As the content owner, you can access hidden versions and unhide them by clicking the eye icon again.

Make an Earlier Version the Current Version

Sometimes you need to revert the current version of your content to an earlier one. The Restore this version option makes the version you've selected the current version and permanently deletes newer versions, their comments, and Storyline 360 project backups. You can't recover these deleted versions, comments, and project backups, so if you prefer not to permanently delete newer versions, try hiding them instead. 

  1. Click an item on your dashboard to open it.
  2. Click the Version drop-down list at the top of the screen and select the version number you want to make current.
  3. Click the more icon (•••) and choose Restore this version.
  4. At the confirmation prompt, click Confirm.